Monday, 25 March 2013

Just a final little push!

Remaining Word Count: 3,418

Well, the deadline is Sunday, and I've got 3,418 words left to write. I'm overjoyed that I've come this far and I will definitely finish my 52,600 words on schedule, and on time! Wonderful.

Of course, the book will not be finished on 31st March. Although I'm near the end of the book, I think it'll be longer than 52,600 words, so I will carry on beyond the deadline and finish it. Then I'll need to go over it and re-tweak a few things. It'll be nice just to sit back and read what I've done, as I've yet to do that, and it'll be as interesting for me as it will be for any reader to see how this book has panned out, such is the chaotic way in which I've written it!

There's still time to donate for the Safe Space Write-athon - it's such a worthy cause, please do donate if you can. Follow the Just Giving link opposite (on the right column of this blog).